
James / December 1st, 2014

The AVGN Movie Blu-ray has been completed (with about 10 hours of bonus content). The discs are being manufactured, and we are just waiting to hear a ship date. I’m hoping it will be in time for the holidays, but for the moment, there’s nothing we can do, but wait.


I’ve had some major technical failures, although they won’t affect anything. My computer completely broke. It couldn’t take the pressure of this movie. In the past two years of intensive post-production, I wore out the entire lifespan of the computer. The timing couldn’t have been better, now that the movie is done, so I’m lucky. Everything is backed up on multiple external hard drives, so nothing is lost, except time.


The computer broke a few weeks ago, and has now been replaced. It’s the first time in my life a warranty has ever covered anything! I’ve spent days awkwardly crammed between my desk and wall, reconnecting wires, with plenty of Doc Brown moments. I still have lots of software to re-install, but I’ll be coming back better and stronger with a fresh new system.


I’ve already begun writing the new AVGN Christmas episode.