Reminder: TooMany Games, Oaks PA appearance this weekend

James / June 23rd, 2014

I’ll be appearing at TooManyGames in Oaks, PA. The event takes place June 27-29 at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center.  Here is the link to the site for more info. 


As promised, here’s the schedule.


Saturday, 6/28/2014
5pm-7pm – I’ll be signing autographs
8pm-??? – After-party, for the “Final Boss” badge holders. This is a smaller exclusive event. We will be celebrating the humble origins of the Nerd character, and watching the first two episodes in their original VHS format, as they were first seen 10 years ago.


Sunday, 6/29/2014
3pm-4pm – Cinemassacre panel.
4pm-5pm – I’ll be signing autographs again.

