The Original Nerd Room

Mike Matei / May 21st, 2014

This month marks the 10 year anniversary since James made the Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest video. The very first Angry Video Game Nerd episode. (At the time called Bad NES Games) Here James looks at his old bedroom where the first episode was made.
-posted by Mike


UPDATE: The video states that the first two AVGN episodes were made in May 2004. Not be overly technical, but I found the script for Episode 2: Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a Word document “date modified” is June 15, 2004. We’ll never know the exact dates both videos were completed, but Episode 1: Castlevania 2 was late May. Episode 2: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was June, contrary to what’s said in the video. The first two episodes were made so close together, it can be confusing.

These two episodes were made following my graduation, when boredom began to sink in. This was during a temporary stay at my parents’ old house. In late summer 2004, I moved into an apartment, the same place where eventually in 2006, Episode 3: Karate Kid and further episodes were made.

-Posted by James