AVGN MOVIE VFX Status 3-9-2014

James / March 9th, 2014

Here’s the weekly update. I’ve been planning to do a video update sometime soon explaining the process in more detail. I honestly don’t know when because I’ve been so busy working on the movie. Progress is being made! And it’s hard to stop when progress is being made.


Again, you’re going to have to compare it to the last update to see the difference. But we’re getting there. Oh yeah! I can’t wait to rip all the shots off the boards. After this is all over, I’m going to rip the whole bulletin board off the wall. Then body slam it! And throw it in the fire.


Here’s a reminder to where we started.

Status-1 VFX-bulletin-board-1-web


Been in post-production for 2 months now, and we kicked a lot a of ass.