AVGN Movie VFX status 2-16-2014

James / February 16th, 2014

I know this isn’t too exciting of an update, but I just want to keep everyone in the loop. This is the update of the week. I’ll try to keep them up as much as I can. You can see that more VFX shots have been finished since last time. But you’d have to take a close look to see the difference. (see last week’s update.) I know it may not seem like much, but I’ve seen progress on many of the shots that are still up on the bulletin board. Let’s all continue to watch these shots disappear. I wish it could go faster, but I can’t control peoples’ schedules. We’re all doing the best we can.



Aside from managing the VFX team, and editing the finished shots into the movie, during my spare time, I’ve been color correcting which is close to halfway done, minus VFX shots. I still haven’t looked into sound design yet, so I’m going to have to take care of this first. One thing at a time. That’s just the way it works.

Also, if things ever seem quiet from me, that just means I’ve been getting a lot of stuff done.