Little Nerd

James / May 12th, 2013

A couple weeks ago, my daughter was born. I don’t always share my personal things with the rest of the world, but it’s such a big deal, I can’t hold back anymore. The kind and thoughtful comments from people who visit my site make me feel welcome to share these things. There’s no way to tell if the baby will grow up wanting to be internet famous or not, so I’m keeping this story a little vague.


Honestly, this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever tried to write. I can’t find the right words. I don’t know if I should lean more towards the positive or negative, but let’s just say there’s been some obstacles. My wife did everything right during the pregnancy and is the most responsible mother in the world. Everything went fine up until the birth, when some complications happened.


Childbirth is worse than any horror movie. It’s a roll of the dice. For some, it goes smoothly. For others, it’s a disaster. Our experience came somewhere in-between. The good news is that we’re all home and safe now. My wife and baby are the most important things in the world to me, and it’s top priority that I look after them.



She’s sleepy.