DVD/ Merch update

James / September 17th, 2012

Hey, here’s some of the things coming up.

The Deader the Better DVD – This is the one I’ve been holding off on for a while, because it’s a short film and I had to fill it with bonus features, including a short documentary made in 2006 that hasn’t been released online. We’re hoping to have this out by Halloween.

AVGN Vol 6 – That time of year again. Hoping for a December release. Let me know if you have any ideas/requests for bonus features.

Also, the ScrewAttack store is having a weekly sale where every week, a different item is on sale, so keep checking in.

Aside from all that, I’ve been real busy as usual. I don’t always have a lot to show for it. Just been dealing with regular life and a lot of personal maintenance. Trying to get more videos out, but production’s been slow. Monster Madness is coming along pretty good. Also, the AVGN Movie Trailer should be done this Fall for sure!