Mike talks about Walt Disney Comics & Stories

James / September 16th, 2012

I always wanted to do a review about the Donald Duck comics by Carl Barks. In the Early 1950’s, Walt Disney Comics & Stories was the most popular comic book in the United States. Today, the duck comics have been largely forgotten in the US and it’s a shame. The purpose of this video is an attempt to explain why Carl Barks duck comics were awesome, and hopefully to inspire people to start reading them again. In this video, I just give my thoughts on a few random stories. There is so much to say about Barks Duck universe, I could have went on forever. You really just need to read the comics for yourself. I’d recommend picking up these books, as they are more affordable than buying originals.

Also, Thanks to Charlie Armour for providing some background music. You can visit his site here. http://www.charliearmour.com/

And thanks to Thad & Dave for research help.