Cheetahmen 2 Update

James / August 12th, 2012

This is the budget for the Cheetahmen 2 package (boxed game, poster, comic book) explained by Greg Pabich.

In addition, I’d like to explain: On Cinemassacre, we usually run advertisements for things like Burger King or something like that, so when I was asked to promote a game that I reviewed as AVGN, it sounded like a cool idea. It was something I thought my audience would like. Admittedly, I didn’t know much else about the project other than someone was re-releasing Cheetahmen 2. Just someone releasing a game. How could that go wrong? I got the script and filmed my part for the promo, while I had my head buried deep in the Schwarzenegger Games episode which I was working on at the time.

Over the past week, there’s been a lot of fuss over the Cheetahmen thing, so I looked at the Kickstarter page for the very first time. I admit, I didn’t understand the costs at first and I should have researched it beforehand, but when it was explained to me, it made more sense. Honestly, I’ve paid $60 for the Nintendo World Champion reproduction cart that you saw in the NWC episode and that game didn’t come with a box or comic book. But I don’t know a thing about game production. My suggestion is not to listen to internet rumors and jump to conclusions. Make your own judgement and only donate if you want a Cheetahmen game. The choice is yours. I’m truly sorry about any inconvenience.
