Cinemassacre iOS App Art and Beta Contest

Ryan / May 5th, 2011

Over the past 4 months we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to get ready for the launch of the Cinemassacre iPhone and iPad app. With the app you’ll be able to watch high quality versions of a complete and constantly updating library of all Cinemassacre videos including AVGN from anywhere in the world. The app is fully iPad and Apple TV compatible. We are holding two contests one for the app icons and another for beta testers. Check it out.

Art Contest

We’re excited for the launch, but now we need your help. We are looking for your best, most vibrant, eye-catching, app-selling app icon and splash screen. for the app. The top 1 submission will receive a $100 iTunes gift card, credit in the about in the app, a feature post on with links to wherever you want us to link. 4 others will receive a credit post on with links to their work and their splash images will be included in a free downloadable iPhone/iTunes wallpaper pack on Please submit a zip file with your submission to Contest ends Friday, May 13th. Use [Art Contest] in the subject line.

Here’s an example using the art from the awesome Marobot. Thanks to Chris from for the demo. Contest Example

Image Dimensions
  • Icon Size: 512×512 This icon will be scaled as small as 50×50 for the spotlight icon on iPad. The iPhone 3 only displays this icon at 57×57 on the home screen so make sure your work looks good small and simple. This site has a great summary of all the sizes we will use. If you are submitting multiple images make sure they are similar or the same in subject as users will expect to see the same thing as the app icon at all resolutions.
  • Splash screen/wallpaper dimensions are as follows iPad: 768×1024, Non-Retina: 320×480, Retina: 640×960

Beta Contest

We need a few good men and women to test this thing. Send a short, convincing one or two paragraph email with [Beta Contest] in the subject line to to sign up. We are looking for experience in testing and the iOS platform with some of the testers, but we do need more general feedback so please sign up! 10 winners will receive a $10 iTunes gift card, and early access to the app and our testing and feedback site. Contest ends when we sign our 10th tester.