See me trying to be badass in “Spade”

James / December 10th, 2010

Coming up, see me trying to be badass in the web series “Spade.” It’s an interactive series. After each episode, you have 72 hours to vote on what you want to happen next. For example, at the very end of this episode, you’ll get a link to vote if the cast will be attacked by Vampires, The Wolf Man, Zombies, The Mummy, Frankenstein’s Monster, or the Phantom of the Opera. (voting for this one is up by Sunday at midnight)

I make a brief appearance in the middle of Episode #18, but you’ll see more of me in the next episodes. The story is wild, especially since the viewers vote on how it unfolds. If you want to start getting caught up, you can see the rest of the series here.


Spade is produced by DarkStone Entertainment, the same folks working on the remake of Plan 9 From Outer Space which I’ll also be appearing in. Keep in mind that Spade is quickly shot and “Pan 9” will be a much bigger budget.