New videos

James / November 29th, 2010

I’m really happy with the upcoming AVGN video. It’s something fresh and new. It was also one of the hardest ones to do, mostly because there’s so many different game clips involved. Also, there’s A LOT of illustrations from Mike. This is the December episode, so in that case, Christmas will come early. Get ready.

I’m also pleased that over the Thanksgiving weekend, I finally had a little time to work on my belated documentary about the 1958 film The Blob, which I shot in the summer of 2008. The video “Blob Town” will run about 20 minutes long and will cover the Blobfest convention that happens in the town of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania where the movie was shot. It’s been Two and a half years since I started it and I’ll be glad to see it done in December or January 2011.