Penny Arcade Expo (PAX)

James / August 28th, 2010

No, I won’t be attending, but I’ll be making a special greeting to the Penny Arcade Expo, a 5 minute message on DVD with includes a short clip from the upcoming AVGN episode. The episode itself will go online later that night. (It’s another special episode, over 20 minutes long!) It’s been a very busy summer full of traveling, so I can’t make it in person, but enjoy yourselves, if you’re going to PAX.

Friday, September 3, 2010
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM, Pegasus Theatre
Washington State Convention Center.

From the PAX website: Presents: Entertaining the Gamer: What Does It Take?
What do Hey Ash What’cha Playin’?, Once Upon a Pixel and ScrewAttack all have in common? They’re all in this panel and they’re all original content producers on! Anthony Birch, Ashley Davis and Stuttering Craig discuss how their shows came to be and take the audience through the process of creating new shows. In addition, they will answer your questions – for a full hour of niche bliss! Moderated by GameTrailers’ own Daniel Kayser, this is the opportunity to pick the brains of some of your favorite content creators and discuss what it takes to create compelling gamer-centric content for the internet. Plus, be present to witness a special message from the Angry Video Game Nerd you’ll have to see to believe!

Panelists include: Craig Skistimas [Program Director, ScrewAttack], Anthony Burch [Content Creator, HAWP], Ashley Davis [Once Upon a Pixel], Daniel Kayser [Host/Producer,]