Planning a review of TMNT cartoon series

James / April 17th, 2010

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series was a big part of my childhood. Many share this in common and lots of my fans associate me with it, I guess because of my TMNT game review as the Angry Nintendo Nerd. So it’s kind of inevitable that one day I’ll do some sort of video about the cartoon series which ran from 1987 to 1996. I admit I probably stopped watching around 1991. I don’t know yet what kind of format this video will be. Maybe it will be a Top 10. Maybe a brief recap of the whole series. I’m not sure. It’s just an idea for now.

I think the first order of business is watching all the episodes.  I started about a year ago. With my schedule, there’s no consistency. I might watch 5 episodes a night, then not watch another until 3 months pass. No hurry, it’s just an ongoing project and partly for my own entertainment. In the past year, I’ve made it up to Season 5. I’ve been taking notes along the way. Whenever there’s a B-movie reference, an animation mistake, or a random funny moment, I write it down. Oh and yes I saw “Turtles Forever” and it was very awesome seeing how they were able to blend the old series with the new, as well as the original comics.

So there’s no telling what this video will cover, or when it will be. It’ll probably be a long time from now. So feel free to leave your thoughts. In the meantime, there’s always this old video.

Other than that, there’s not much else to report at this time. Hopefully the Ghostbusters Tour video will be done soon. It was fun reading a lot of your ideas for the title. I’m still undecided though.