AVGN: Game Over 2 By Gavin MacLean

Mike Matei / March 10th, 2010

AVGN fan game

Updated link: http://lordgavingames.webs.com/avgngameover2.htm

This is Gavin MacLean’s sequel to AVGN: Game Over with music by Frederic Krassowka

Here’s the link to the download page for the game (will include download links to all the other chapters as they are released): (this is chapter 1)


Also, here’s the links to some video pages with previews and downloads for some of the music in the game:

1)Song Name: “Green Moon” http://lordgavingames.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/show/6910181-green-moon

2)Song Name: “Dungeon Depths” http://lordgavingames.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/view/next?channel_id=1398848&from_id=6910181

3)Song Name: “Wyvern’s Passage” http://lordgavingames.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/view/next?channel_id=1398848&from_id=6910207

4)Song Name: “Perishing Flames” http://lordgavingames.webs.com/apps/videos/videos/view/next?channel_id=1398848&from_id=6910226

Again, here’s the link to Gavin’s webpage: http://www.lordgavingames.webs.com