Updates – AVGN, Videos, DVD

Mike Matei / September 14th, 2009

I just wanted to say I’ve been working on the new AVGN DVD which is a huge project to say the least. It’s mostly what I call “invisible work” because it seems as simple as just dropping the videos into the DVD, but that’s not how it goes. Watching through all the videos, making small re-edits, going back to the source tapes, stressing over the time constraints on the discs, creating the bonus material, and programming the menus (besides the overall design) is a massive undertaking. I’ll include more details about it later, but it’s been going very well.

There will be another AVGN episode coming up soon and a Spike movie review on the way, and of course October’s going to be complete madness! So because I’ve been on overload, I’m going on a short vacation to cleanse the mind, and welcome the fall weather. The videos will get posted as usual, so you won’t even notice I’m gone.

The Head Incident (alternate downloads)

This should be my final post concerning my B-horror film The Head Incident from 1999. I had a little difficulty trying to host the full version and as a response, I got plenty of alternate downloads from fans. Thanks very much for your support.




For the official Head Incident page, go here.