Mike Matei / July 31st, 2009

122 hours, 15 minutes in the making! That’s a lot of time considering I have to come out with two Nerd videos a month, so I had to work on this inbetween keeping up with other episodes. All the pre-production work took place in February, we filmed it in March, and since then, I’ve been editing whenever I had spare time. In the time span this project took, I could have almost become pregnant and had a baby. A disturbing thought, but after it’s over, I feel like this episode IS my baby.

So because I worked so hard on this one, I decided to do something that I’ve never done before, give a sneak peak for my fans here at Cinemassacre. Typically, I post the trailers on YouTube to notify the subscribers there when a new video goes up. But this one is special, so enjoy it, because there isn’t going to be another episode this “crazy” for a while.

The video runs approximately 17 minutes long. I’m not 100% sure when it’ll be posted, but I think it’ll be next week.