Archives 3/31/08 – 5/20/08

Ryan / May 20th, 2008

“You Know What’s Bullshit?” (Episode 8: Printers)
5/19/08 THE YOUTUBE ACCOUNT WAS SUSPENDED, BUT IT’S NOW BACK UP. There was some kind of mistake. YouTube can be unpredictable. Don’t worry about it. The stunning amount of emails I received and the amount of upset subscribers posting videos about it is all a testament to how loyal you are! But, remember, you can always find me & my work here at On a lighter note, check out this awesome fan art. Good job! 5/16/08 NEW SITE UPDATES The new improved will launch in JUNE. The site should be a little more organized by then. NEXT AVGN VIDEO: May 21st Lots of people seem to be confused by the ending of “NES Accessories”. It hints at R.O.B.,the one important accessory, I left out. But no, I am NOT planning a review of R.O.B. anytime soon. When I do, it’ll be epic and will take a lot of time to make. For now, I’m trying to give myself a break and focus on reviewing basic games, instead of console reviews, game peripherals or giant compilations. Mark my words; at the end of the video, “save it til later.” If the hat and the music didn’t clue some of you in, maybe this picture will make it more clear. With the fourth Indiana Jones movie hitting theatres soon, we’re gonna take a look at the “trilogy”. 5/14/08 AVGN: NES ACCESSORIES 5/9/08 Rocky Jumped a Park Bench IN FULL QUALITY My 27 minute Rocky documentary / tour of all the Philadelphia filming locations, is now available in full quality thanks to Pierre-Luc Delisle. STEP 1: Download the torrent here. STEP 2: Download a torrent program. For example or STEP 3: Drop the torrent into your program and begin downloading the whole 1 GB file. If you’re familiar with how torrents work, at this point, it should be a piece of cake. Personally, I’m not too familiar, and its my first time using them. You can read more about torrents on wikipedia. STEP 4: Watch the movie. The torrent has only one file, the DVD image in .iso format. So either burn it to DVD using a DVD burning program like Nero for example or if you want to watch on your computer WITHOUT burning a DVD, download VLC player and watch it on there. STEP 5: Please “seed” the torrent. Sorry, I can’t offer much explanation to that. But if you know what I’m talking about, you’ll know it helps share the file around and distrubute the data. Right now, Pierre-Luc is using all his own bandwith to keep the file active. Basically, just keep the downloaded torrent in your “downloaded files”. Thanks! And as always, you can still watch it on YouTube. Part 1 Part 2 5/6/08 TOP 10 JACKIE CHAN FIGHT SCENES This is a video I’ve been holding onto for a while, I made it last December, so stop asking about the “2007” logo. AVGN DVD LINK? I’m getting a lot of questions about the AVGN DVD Vol 1. Why aren’t the links working? Right now, ScrewAttack is updating their site which means there will probably be a new merchandise page. As soon as they have that ready, I’ll fix my links. I’m also aware that some of the video links aren’t working. They’ll be fixed too. 5/5/08 New AVGN links: Keeping up with this stuff is a full time chore, let alone MAKING THE VIDEOS! This website, in case you don’t know, is run by me alone. And for the amount of traffic I’ve gotten, which just keeps on accelerating, it’s an amazing accomplishment for a shitty website run by one person! But not for long, I’m getting help. A few months ago, I met with a new web designer whom I’ll introduce later. He’ll be helping me take care of this stuff, so sometime this month, we will be launching a revised Same place, new look. Coming soon. Anyway, here’s 3 updates. 1) Theme song covers: * chiptunes version by Robert Seatoncover by StephenEpic rock instrumental by 2) New article: (well actually it’s a few weeks old) 3) New AVGN game being worked on: ‘Hello, I am Gavin MacLean. I am currently in the early stages of developing a new AVGN computer game! I have here some artwork I made, two video download links, one leading to a video showing the intro to the game, the other leading to a sneak peek video featuring basic game play. (Note: videos are in avi format and the sneak peek is outdated, meaning many changes have already been made since it was made) Enjoy them, I will send new stuff to the nerd when I can and if you have any idea’s for me, comments, or fan mail, send your e-mails to Enjoy!’ Here are the two videos: * Intro Sneak peak 4/30/08 Rocky Jumped a Park Bench This concludes Rocky Month! Hope you enjoyed. 4/25/08 Rocky Jumped a Park Bench – PART 1 Here it is, finally. My tour of the Philadelphia Rocky locations. Stay tuned for Part 2 on April 30th. 4/22/08 The most epic AVGN episode ever! The Wizard and Super Mario Bros 3 See it in Flash See it in Quicktime See it in Windows If you want to buy The Wizard now, you can get it here. 4/21/08 Montage for Rocky 7 No, it’s not real. It’s fan-made. Like I said in my Rocky Balboa review, the music of Survivor and the Rocky films go together like bread and butter. Since 2006 marked the return of Rocky and Survivor, it would have been fitting if they included a new Survivor song in the new Rocky movie. That didn’t happen. So, here’s my idea of what it would have been like, and hey, it’s not too late for Rocky 7. Just kidding. My favorite song off the album is “Fire Makes Steel”, but I chose the title track “Reach” because it fit the montage the best. 4/18/08 ROCKY BALBOA – Review By the way, you all kicked ass helping out the Book of Caleb. One more outlet you can go to help increase votes is here: 4/17/08 EBAY AUCTION: The last CineMassacre VHS tapes! Here’s the link for the auction: 4/16/08 Rocky 5 – Review 4/15/08 The latest AVGN theme song covers: There’s also about a million of them on YouTube. Kyle, Mike and I always enjoy them. I usually favorite them on mychannel. Also the next episode will showcase more of them at the beginning to substitute for the intro. Take it away, AVGN fans! * Version by Gagaman92Epic version by Daniel Miura from Brazil * Version by Kellen DeRuy from his page / Punk Version by Slaymaker (new mix) also The AVGN Swear Count! Sent by Lauri Pyykkönen from Finland: Top 10 goes like this: 1. Fucking (vitun) was said 321 times 2, Fuck (vittu, voi vittu) 212 times 3. Shit (paska) 174 4. Piece of shit (paska) 54 5. Sucks (olla syvältä, olla perseestä) 53 6. Ass (perse) 50 7. Shitty (vittumainen) 41 8. Bitch (huora,) 32 9. Goddamn (jumalauta, perkeleen)  27 10. What the fuck? (mitä vittua?) 23 and the rest of them.. 22  Asshole (kusipää, persereikä) 13  Bullshit (paskapuhe, paskanmarjat) 12  What the Hell? (mitä helvettiä?) 11  Motherfucker (kusipää , runkkari) 11  Fuck up 10  Shit load of fuck 8  Fuck you (haista vittu) 7  Holy shit! 7  Fucker 6  Bastard 5  Retarded 3  Oh shit! (voi paska!) 3  (Steaming pile of goat) shit 2  Whore (huora, horo)                            � 2  Friggin 2  Stay a fuck away 2  Fucknutt 2  Monkeyfuck 2  Sucker (luuseri) 2  Son of a bitch (paskiainen) 1  Shitsoup 1  Fuck load of shit 1  Shut the hell up 1  Piece of fuck 1  Shitballs 1  Son of a cock 1  Slut (lutka) 1  Fuckface 1  (Piece of horse) shit 4/14/08

Rocky with arm wrestling!

A Tribute to OVER THE TOP, the movie that made everyone turn their hats backwards and arm wrestle. 4/13/08 LAST NIGHT: “Rocky Jumped a Park Bench” premiere!  Many people are asking how the screening went. Well, it went perfect! The crowd was cheering and laughing all the way through. Here’s a few clips, so you can see for yourself. Yeah, I bootleged my own movie! Consider it a sneak preview.

A Q&A session happened afterwards, kind of abruptly, so I didn’t have a chance to pass the camera for someone to record it. Afterwards, in the lobby, I found myself surrounded by an amazing crowd of fans. I autographed NES games, Gameboy Advance SPs, and got pictures with many of them. Thanks for coming out! Thanks to the film festival for an outstanding technical presentation. The picture and sound quality was amazing. It was part of the Rocky Balboa Picture show, a showcase of films based around Rocky and/or the identity of Philadeplhia. FRANKIE13 VS. THE WORLD (site?) (by James Eowan & Douglas Shaffer) was about an underdog like Rocky, taking on a worldwide competition in a Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament! THIS IS MY CHEESESTEAK (by Ben Daniels) was about the city’s obsession with the cheesesteak, a food we can eat any day, any time. It brings together all the major steak shop owners in town. I found it very affectionate, humorous and deeply identifiable. Many people asked me about buying DVD’s of Rocky Jumped a Park Bench. To obtain clearances from the locations, song rights, and movie clips would probably be impossible. After all, it’s just something I did for fun, to pay tribute to the Rocky movies and its association with the city of Philadelphia. It’s NON-PROFIT, and it  will be available free of charge on YouTube and various outlets online (Part 1 on April 25. Part 2 on April 30) Consider it a service to all the Rocky fans. It would be nice to see it full quality, so maybe I’ll post a big full resolution download if I can figure out how to do it.

Rocky 4 – Review

See the premiere at the Philadelphia film festival. For more info, go to Jumped a Park Bench is a documentary in which I take you on a tour through Philadelphia and explore Rocky’s stomping grounds.The festival version is 20 minutes.Near the end of April, I will post the full 27 minute version.

The Lost Rocky Montage (1984)

This is just a hypothetical montage I made if there was a Rocky movie inbetween 3 & 4 to coincide with Survivor’s 1984 album Vital Signs. I posted this a while back, so many of you might have seen it before. Stay tuned for the Rocky 4 review later this week.


New AVGN video!
Double Vision:Colecovision

ROCKY 3 – Review

ROCKY 2 – Review

ROCKY – Review!

Now we’re getting started. Special thanks to Matthew Von Manahan for doing most of the editing for all the reviews. Otherwise Rocky Month would not be possible.

ROCKY MONTH! Here’s the PROMO one last time.

I’ll be posting reviews of all 6 of the Rocky films, and maybe some bonus stuff in between. By the end of the month, I’ll post my documentary, Rocky Jumped a Park Bench, in which I visit every Philadelphia location from the films, no matter how minor of a scene they appear in. Afterwards, I’m going to Vietnam and Afghanistan to film the locations from the Rambo series… No, just kidding. There’s my April Fools joke for the year. But the Rocky videos are happening for sure!


I’ve been asked a lot if I’m doing the 48 hour film project again this year. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have the time. Trying to keep up with the nerd videos and all these other side projects, I completely burned myself out. But I’ve uploaded all my previous 48 hour films on YouTube, so you can see them if you want.

The Death Suit (2004)

Death Seen (2005)

Death Secret (2006)

Spaghetti Western (2007)

What is the 48 Hour film Project?

Filmmaking teams have
just one weekend to make a short film.
All creativity—writing, shooting,
editing and adding a musical
soundtrack—must occur in a 48 hour
window beginning Friday evening at
7 and ending Sunday at 7. The
following week, the completed films
are screened to an eager audience.
Each team draws a genre out of a hat,
such as Sci-Fi, Horror, Western, Spy,
Road Movie, Super Hero, Mockumentary
and every team is given a prop, a line of
dialogue, and a character which all must
be included in the finished film.