Archives 2/22/08 – 3/31/08

Ryan / March 31st, 2008


I’ve been asked a lot if I’m doing the 48 hour film project again this year. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have the time. Trying to keep up with the nerd videos and all these other side projects, I completely burned myself out. But, I’ve uploaded all my previous 48 hour films, so you can see them if you want.

The Death Suit (2004)

Death Seen (2005)

Death Secret (2006)

Spaghetti Western (2007)

What is the 48 Hour film Project?

Filmmaking teams have
just one weekend to make a short film.
All creativity—writing, shooting,
editing and adding a musical
soundtrack—must occur in a 48 hour
window beginning Friday evening at
7 and ending Sunday at 7. The
following week, the completed films
are screened to an eager audience.
Each team draws a genre out of a hat,
such as Sci-Fi, Horror, Western, Spy,
Road Movie, Super Hero, Mockumentary
and every team is given a prop, a line of
dialogue, and a character which all must
be included in the finished film.


I spent about 9 hours yesterday fixing my site. What a pain in the ass.

First of all, there were many pictures not showing up in my Fan Art Gallery, so I ended up having to look through over 300 files and deleting any of them which had spaces. Spaces seem to cause a bizarre “%20” thing that just fucks everything up. Isn’t web design great? Picky motherfuckin’ bastard! So anyway, it should all work now. If you’re gonna send fan art, please:
1) don’t use spaces.
2) always use jpegs.
3) try to use unique file names. No “Nerd” or “AVGN”.

Doesn’t it suck to have so many rules? Fuck the web. Fuck it to hell!

Also I fixed up my VIDEOS PAGE, which took the majority of the 9 hours. I think it looks a lot better now, but I know there’s probably going to be a bunch of bad links. There always is. So let me know if you find anything wrong. (

“Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts” got over a million views, in less than 2 weeks. Damn! That’s gotta be a record for me, even for AVGN standards!

Next will be Top 10 Jackie Chan Fight Scenes. I’ll probably post it sometime in May, because April is going to be Rocky month! Speaking of Rocky month, I will be posting the 6 Rocky reviews on my “Cinemassacre” YouTube channel. My documentary Rocky Jumped a Park Bench will be on the “JamesNintendoNerd” channel sometime near the end of April, and most likely, in 2 parts. Sorry for the confusion.

I might to get around to doing some email tonight, but afterwards, I’m concentrating on the next Nerd video. Then I’m eating whale turds and covering myself in dog shit.


The first three-dimensional AVGN fan art I’ve recieved! Yes, I’m in clay. Sent by Erasmono, here’s his Deviant art page.

A couple more theme song covers:

1 – From Puto (drum track by Nineko)

2 – Techno version by Jaakko Leppänen from Finland

and Nerd shirts!

This may be old news for many, but I’ve realized it slipped by me to mention this here on my own site, so if you didn’t know, new AVGN shirts are for sale.


NEW AVGN VIDEO: Double Vision Part 1-Intellivision



My film, The Deader the Better, didn’t win, but “went the distance” to the first round of finalists. So, it’s an incredible honor just to have it seen by George Romero! It was largely influenced by the original Night of the Living Dead and a tribute to the zombie genre as a whole. I spent two years of my life making that film (the 17 minute version), building the cemetery set, all the props, and home-made special effects, so it’s nice to know that the work paid off. I thank everyone for helping out, but I also regret that there was a lot of negative feedback toward my film. It seems lots of people felt I had an unfair advantage with my internet celeb fanbase, so much that the official rules were changed. However, I’m not the only famous person to enter. There’s also Teller who I’m also a big fan of. I’ve entered a lot of contests before,and things always get competitive and cruel. People don’t treat others films with creative criticism. Everybody just wants to win, so they’ll do whatever they can to tear the others down. I apologize if any of my own fans did the same. I asked them to vote UP my film, not vote DOWN others. Anyway, congrats on the finalists, you can see them here.


1) New AVGN article by Chris Lowrance.

2) New Hardcore/Punk cover of AVGN theme song by Slaymaker.

3) I FINALLY updated the AVGN Fan Art gallery! About 80 more pictures are on there, totalling out to about 330. Friends and family find it weird that so many people are drawing me, but I’m used to it.

Also, I can’t figure out why so many of the pictures aren’t showing up. Probably because it’s getting out of control. So I made a separate page showcasing selected artwork.

If you’re sending fan art, I have to ask a few things.
* Please stop naming the files “AVGN” or “NERD”. Every time I have more than one file with the same name, I have to change one of them. Just trust me, it’s a hassle, so please try to use unique file names.
* If possible, make it a jpeg. Otherwise, I have to change it.
* Enough Mii’s, Simpsons or South Park characters of me. And putting my face on a game box is being done to death too. Don’t get the wrong idea. I love that you’re doing fan art and the videos have made such an impression on you. But too much of the same thing is unnecessary.

4) New Nerd video Wednesday, March 26th. It’s going to be the first of two parts.


What’s the point of having TWO NEWS PAGES?!

It’s too much trouble for me to keep up with both the AVGN news page and the CINEMASSACRE news page, so I’m combining the two! Why not? From now on, every update I make, whether it’s AVGN related or not, will be on this one page.


Top 10 Jackie Chan Stunts!


Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. Who’s green? Yoda’s green.

Many of the Star Wars props are on display at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA. (Just so I don’t get a million emails asking me where.) Check out some of the pics.

Coming Soon:
“Rocky Jumped a Park Bench”

Subscribe to my YouTube channel (the big one “JamesNintendoNerd”).


6 pieces of news. Ya ready?

1) New theme song covers:

Remix by Cusimo & Co.
See their site:

Cover by
See their site:

80’s pop version by Tom Welsh

Hip Hop version by DJ Dub.

New song by Keith Burgun.
This one’s not a cover, but a moving tribute.
Check their site here.

2) Freddy’s popped up in an odd place.

I’ve SORT OF been featured on Rolling Stone’s website. They have an article where they mention Nightmare on Elm Street (the movie series). Even though it doesn’t seem to be AVGN related, notice the picture at the top. Look familiar?

3) New interview for the fans from Sweden.

And if you’re not from Sweden, it’s still worth checking it out.

4) A nice review of my work as the AVGN.

Check out the rest of the site at

5) What happened to the Nerd Comics?

At the time, we’re not keeping up with them. That doesn’t mean there will never be any more, but for now check outMike Matei’s Deviant Art page instead.

6) Heads up on the new Nerd video!

Some fans have suggested I do something big for my “50th video”. I even got this piece of art from Iain.

Shit Pickle tattoos?!! Yes, it happened.
Wow, you guys are nuts, but I’m honored and they came out pretty damn good! #1 fans right there. See the video.
See all videos starring Shit Pickle..


Emergency: A friend needs your help!

Devon Riley, known as “NES” on the Captain S show is recovering from emergency surgery.

GOOD NEWS: He’s going to be okay.

BAD NEWS: He’s in financial trouble, as the hospital bills are ridiculous.

If you have a Paypal account, please visit this site, and make a donation. Anything will help.


CineMassacre’s 200th film!

This is my own retrospective on how I got started making films and how my hobby evolved. It happens to be my 200th film so I thought the idea would be appropriate. Hope you enjoy.


There’s an update for Eric Ruth’s AVGN GAME. The controls are fixed and is smaller in size. So if you haven’t played the updated version, check it out.


There will be a 20-25 minute documentary coming soon entitled CineMassacre 200. It’s my 200th movie and is my own retrospective on how I got started making films and how my hobby evolved. It will be posted on YouTube soon.

Also I made some updates on my links page. There’s been 3 new mentions lately and several other requests for interviews in my inbox. If you’re waiting, sorry it’s taking so long. I’m really struggling to catch up with things.

Article in Herald News by Ed Beeson, following my appearance at Digital Press store.
Digital Press was awesome. It’s a gaming store in Clifton, NJ. I stopped by, greeted a lot of fans. Bought some retro games and was interviewed on the spot for the Herald News along with store owner Joe and also with Brett (“Captain S” of PBC Productions).

Other mentions!

Korean interview on

Brazilian magazine – SUPERINTERESSANTE

I’m very behind on the fan art. It’ll get updated sometime soon, I can’t say when. My main priority is getting the videos done. But it’ll be relatively soon.

Also got some shirts sent in the mail by Very cool, check’em out.

And I’ve added another fan cover of the AVGN theme song by Mat Howlett

The biggest news I have, as far as my own personal projects go, there will be a 20-25 minute documentary coming soon entitled CineMassacre 200. It’s my 200th movie and is my own retrospective on how I got started making films and how my hobby evolved. It will be posted on YouTube soon.

That’s all for now. Nerd signing out.


In memory of Ben Chapman

So I was making plans for the Monster Mania convention when it came to my attention that Ben Chapman passed away on February 21st, 2008.

He played the Creature from the Black Lagoon (land scenes) which makes him one of the last of the Universal Monsters. (Ricou Browning played the creature underwater.)

He’s been making live appearances and greeting fans ever since. He will be missed.

So here’s a tribute I edited in 1995, using two VCR’s. It’s crap and I never intended on showing it to anyone, but now it seems appropriate.

Also, check out my review of Creature from the Black Lagoon from last October’s Monster Madness Marathon.


Another old film of mine makes its YouTube debut.
The Mind that Makes the Matter (2000)
A psychological journey through the tormented mind of an art student.

I made this during my Freshman year of college. It wasn’t school-related, so it was nearly impossible to get it done on top of my regular assignments. Sometimes while filming, we were literally walking to class and making the movie at the same time. The end result may be rushed and sloppy, but it’s interesting to see the ideas you can come up with when you just let loose. This movie’s open for interpretation.


THE AVGN GAME by Eric Ruth.
Check it out!

Unfortunately, it’s only for PC, but that probably counts most of you, so give it a go!



With overall positive reaction to my new Virtual Boy video, many fans have asked how I got the duct tape off my head. Well, this is how.